World of Internetcafes.de - The worldwide Internet Cafe Directory!!!
Internet Cafes and Cyber cafes worldwide!!!
If you want travel somewhere or go on vacation or a business-trip and still want be connectet with your family and friends you need internet access. International mobilphone connections are very expensive. It's more easy to find a internet cafe or wireless internet in the city where you go! The cheapest way is to walk in an internet cafe!!! We have now listed 5.154 internet cafes worldwide in our Database. So you can find almost everywhere in the world a way to connect the internet with mobile internet, Wifi, wireless internet, Lan, ... everything is possible.
Do you know a Internetcafe, what you CANNOT find here? Please submit a new internet cafè into our Database.
Are you a owner of a Internetcafe, Webmaster or a Homepageowner and you try to find Free Webspace, Free Internetcalls, free fax service, free domains, free anonymous mails or other services? All this things and much more you can find on our website.
Please take a look.
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